The FA 50N DACH EI System

The FA 50N DACH EI System

The FA 50N DACH REI 15, REI 20, RE 30, REW 30 system enables the design and construction of a glass roof (fire-resistant skylight) with a supporting structure made of aluminum profiles in the FA 50N system.

The system features a skeleton structure formed by aluminum columns and beams, within which secured and fire-resistant glass panels are installed. In the profile chambers, reinforcement mounts with cooling separators are installed. În construcția acoperișului, în afară de elementele tipice ale sistemului de aluminiu, au fost instalate materiale izolante cu proprietăți foarte bune de protecție impotriva incendiilor.

Advantages of the System:

Ability to create glass roofs in single or double pitches with slopes ranging from 0o to 80o.
Flexibility in color and finishing options for surfaces.
Adherence to rigorous fire protection standards – fire resistance classes REI 15, REI 20, RE 30, REW 30.
Ability to create skylight structures and glass roofs of various shapes.
Compatibility with other Yawal systems.

Technical Details

Air permeability class AE 1200 conf. PN-EN 12152.
Water resistance class RE 1200 conf. PN-EN 12154.
Thermal conductivity coefficient Uf = about 1.27 W/m2K conf. PN-EN ISO 10077-2.
Wind resistance 1700-1800 Pa conf. PN-EN 13116.
Sound insulation Rw (C, Ctr) = 31÷ 44 dB conf. PN-EN ISO 140-3
Fire classification classes REI 15, REI 20, RE 30, REW 30, conf. PN-EN 12501-2
nternal visible width 50 mm
External visible width 50 mm
Glass thickness 10÷56 mm
Glass surfaces fixed with pressure strips and masking strips.